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Showing posts from December, 2017

What Will Be, Will Never Be Unless

     "WHATEVER WILL BE, WILL BE"             CAPITAL NO I SAID Whatever will be will not be; and may not be. You have to make it be. You have a part to play in what will be in your life, so don't leave it to chance.  A FOOL AT FORTY IS A FOOL FOREVER,  CAPITAL NO I SAID.   A fool at any age can be a fool forever, if the fool refuses to let go of his or her foolishness. It is never too late to become wise because the day you wake up and wise up is the day you stopped being a fool. Your change can start now. Don't allow wrong ideologies to make you a fool for ever. Nothing in your life will ever change until you change your thinking, take charge of your destiny, so you can rule your world. UNTIL WE RULE SUPREME. We have spiritual solutions for every problem in life. Success or Failure, the choice is yours. I remain: Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia: Your spiritual counselor, Spiritual Author, Avatar, An Oracle & Ultimate Father Superior. WhatsApp me: +2348146015314

Last Spiritual Solutions Beyond Borders

(LAST SPIRITUAL SOLUTIONS BEYOND BORDERS) A Spiritual Home and Rest Place with Peace Of Mind. Yes, there are final spiritual and occult solutions from the grave or the deepest zone on earth for every problem here on earth. A spiritual and occult solutions discovered from the grave or deepest part of this very earth, means that the spiritual solutions of such confused problems were discovered from the deepest hidden part of this world. It was hidden from the unknown and for the unknown and hidden in the unknown places of the earth, where only spiritual knowledge can reach or see. It is above ordinary human comprehension, scientific knowledge or mundane logic and defy every human logic. It is a hidden spiritual, mystics and occult solutions for every purpose on earth and even beyond the sight of the living. It is discovered to be the greatest spiritual discovery ever made by man. It is a combined spiritual solutions discovered by both the living and the dead inclusive for the occult

Spiritual Dreams Realization and Concretization Zone

"SPIRITUAL DREAMS REALIZATION AND CONCRETIZATION OF DECISION. We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Conflict in the world is not about good versus bad, but one man's belief versus another man's belief (Real Clash of Ideas cum Interests) Spiritualism is the truest tests of integrity, due to its blunt refusal to be compromised with false and fake religion. Prefer knowledge to wealth, for knowledge is transitory, while wealth is perpetual. But matching wealth with knowledge is Spiritual  Fulfilment and Contentment. Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have in this World. Make the Now the primary focus of your life. Your today's decision determines your tomorrow Pain is inevitable, while suffering is optional. I Remain: Sp.Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia. A spiritual Author,  Avatar, Spiritualist, Occultist, Diviner, Prophet, Herbalist, The Ultimate Father Superior, Spiritual Grand Master, WhatsAp